
One Simple Way to Reduce Stress in High School

One Simple Way to Reduce Stress in High School

If you’re in high school, you’re probably thinking a lot about what you’re going to do once you graduate. Your friends are talking about it, your parents are talking about it, your teachers are talking about it...and all this pressure to make a decision that seems so big can feel pretty stressful.

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The good news is there’s an easy way to feel more organized and less stressed about life after high school. Simply documenting your current plan can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and direction, even if you change your mind later.

It’s easy to create your “life after high school” plan on Cirkled In. Simply log in to your Cirkled In portfolio, and click on the “High School & Beyond” tab. You’ll be able to select from multiple options (4 year college, 2 year college, a job, the military, etc), indicate your areas of interest for future study, and let colleges know if financial aid will be important for you.

You can update your plan at any time (and as many times as you want!). And you can share your plan with your teachers and counselors so that they know how to support you.

In just 10 minutes, you can take a small step that can have big stress-reducing rewards!

Don’t have a Cirkled In portfolio? Create one for FREE today and start showcasing your story.

Are you a teacher or counselor who would like to use Cirkled In with your students? Email us at - we’d love to chat!

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