11 Tips to Get the Most out of your Summer
Summer is almost here – you can feel it in the warmth of the sun and longer days with beautiful sunsets. Hopefully this summer is a relaxing summer for you where you can hang out with your friends, have a barbeque get together, and maybe even catch a newly released movie or two.
This summer is truly for relaxing and rejuvenating both your mind and body. You deserve it. We all deserve it. With school almost ending, we all can call it a year, take a break, and let our minds wander free.
Here are a few tips we have to help you plan your summer. There are 10 weeks of summer and if you plan in advance, you can have ten amazing weeks. Here are some of our tips.
Go one step further and put the plan on your calendar. That way summer won’t just slip away in a blink.
1. Set up a regular hangout with your close friends on a weekly or biweekly basis.
Hang out with friends and family
2. Go on all-day outings with your family. Plan for few of these over the whole summer. Go hiking or explore your city. Look for a hidden gem in your city and you sure will find one.
3. Visit local colleges and universities. Check out their library, student hub area, and gym if there is one. These trips can motivate you and give you ideas for your next steps after high school.
4. Read a book or two - try a different genre for variety. Check your local library collection. Many times, they even have summer reading programs for students with rewards at the end of the summer. They also have a recommended book list for each age.
Read a book or two!
5. Plant a vegetable garden. This will keep you out in the sun and can be the best relaxing activity. If you get curious, you can also read up on plants and learn a bit of biology.
6. Reorganize your room. Declutter and maybe even paint it a different color.
7. Plan to volunteer a few days for four to five weeks. There may be senior centers, homeless shelters, or youth activities organized by nonprofit organizations. Tutoring to younger students at a local library can be both rewarding and great for your studies as well. Check your city’s resources for ideas. If you love pets, volunteer at a pet rescue center. You’ll get an amazing experience and a big sense of accomplishment when they start recognizing you.
Volunteer at your favorite place
8. Pick up a hobby and try it out – wood working, painting, video game design – the list is limitless. You can even register for a trade school. Many school districts offer those programs during summer, and they are a great way to explore various professions too. You will learn what you like and what you don’t.
9. Take a road trip to nearby states and cities and explore historical sites, museums, national parks, etc. If you are planning to travel by air, plan well in advance. Airline tickets get pricey, and hotels get booked.
Take a Road Trip
10. Create a video journal of your activities. It doesn’t have to be polished, and you don’t have to share with anyone else if you don’t want to. It can be just on your phone. You will for sure have fun looking back on it a few years from now.
11. Exercise: Go on a run or hike. There is nothing like feeling fit, healthy, and energetic. You may be able to run on your neighborhood trails, do cardio exercises in our bedroom or take online free yoga classes and learn how to control your mind and body.
✅✅✅Bonus Tip: Update your Cirkled In profile with your current grade, sports, and summer activities. When you start your next school year, you’ll have a head start on preparing for your steps beyond high school. Add any new work or volunteer experience or any new portfolio items you’re proud of. Capture them now and you’ll have them to share going forward!
Go ahead – Enjoy the summer! You have earned it.
Have a wonderful Summer,
Cirkled In Team.