
Cirkled In CEO Corner - July 10, 2020

Cirkled In CEO Corner - July 10, 2020

Wow. Summer is looking a lot different this year. How are your students and children holding up? With the country being in the middle of two crises--coronavirus and inequality--the first half of 2020 has brought many changes and conversations. 

Over the first half of the year, Cirkled In has seen first-hand how students have been impacted by our changing world. We’re proud to have awarded four COVID-19 Relief Grants to students to help with educational needs. We have heard their stories and are inspired by their fortitude, compassion, and hard work.

Along with that, we aim to uplift the stories of students from all backgrounds and genders by featuring them as scholarship winners and in our newest blog series, Seeing COVID-19 from a Student’s Perspective. We know that in order to tell a story, all perspectives must be shared. If you know a student who would like to chime in on the COVID-19 conversation, please have them reach out to the Cirkled In team. We would love to hear from them!

Lastly, I encourage everyone to read a recent blog post of ours that speaks on what freedom in education could look like in the midst of 2020 so far. Together, we can make a difference in education for all! 

In good health,


Post COVID-19: Part 5 - What Will College Admissions Look Like

Post COVID-19: Part 5 - What Will College Admissions Look Like

Seeing COVID-19 from a Student's Perspective: Part 4

Seeing COVID-19 from a Student's Perspective: Part 4